Dear stone lovers, thank you for popping into my store.

I am Laura, the owner and founder of PLAIN SOUL 懿慈轩 brand jewelry. I would like to give you a warm welcome and looking forward to providing you with a wonderful, satisfying, and unique shopping experience. 

If you like what you see in my store and feel attracted by the energy from them, then maybe you are interested to know how this brand comes to life. We have a story to tell.

The inspiration for this brand comes from the energy of our nature through stones.  

I was not very much aware of this energy, until one day.

Around 8 years ago, I woke up remembering this vivid word: sugilite. What is that? No idea, didn't have a clue. I wasn't a mineral collector or anything similar. It was echoing in my head the whole day long, then I ended up google it. (If you also don't know what it is, please go google it too.) I found out it is a type of New Agey stone and it pretty much can only be found in South Africa. As a Chinese who happened to move to South Africa many years ago, I had this feeling that I was given this sign to do something with it.

I need to act on this.

I think this is a calling. 

Crazy enough I drove 10 hours straight to look for it the next day, and it led to all types of stones along the way. 

During the years, knowledge has been accumulated, experiences gained, new skills acquired, and nice people I fortunately met and acquainted, all through the love of stones.

The more you have contact with stones the stronger the energy you can sense.

I believe I have a mission to keep it real and authentic, the things about stones.

A lot of stones are sourced indigenously in Africa, and we also look far and wide globally for anything that attracted my attention. My stones are highly selective and none mainstream. I hope this is your type of thing.    

Most stones are polished in my Cape Town studio from rough, free from any artificial enhancement. 

Design inspiration is always based on the character, the beauty, and the energy of the stones. Keep it simple is the way, no need to over complicate things.   

Keep the soul plain to maximize your connection with nature.

What is 懿慈轩?

It's in Chinese: 懿, divine feminine power and virtue. 慈, mercy. 轩, chamber. 

Through stones, let's spread the energy and love from our divine nature.